A gift worth more ..

We love to learn new things, consistently trying to improve on our existing skills, often pausing to take an inventory of our personal growth all the time.

For us growth has always been a deep and personal journey, built on increasing our self-confidence, loving ourselves deeper in every phase of our journey, and also doing things to that make us happier and healthier.

We’d like to think that all of us have an aspect of life that is a little louder than the others at the moment. Maybe it’s eating better, exercising more, getting finances in order, reading more, spending more time with family, or finding time for yourself again. Maybe you want to learn more about gardening and to take a leap to start your own business, or maybe even start a new career.

With the year nearly coming to an end, and the holidays approach, it can feel like we're all part of a massive gift-giving frenzy, where finding the perfect gift for every person in your life is the most important task on your to-do list but gifting is not just for others but for yourself too.

Gifting yourself comes in many forms, most of them in small moments in everyday life, like being able to step away from what your doing and take a moment or travel without hinderance from point ! - B. For us, though gifting ourselves really comes down to the simple stuff, the kind of things that money can’t buy. The kinds of gifts that nourish the soul and take care of the mental, adding depth and value to our lives..

Peace of mind.

One thing we have learnt so far is that everything is temporary; and nothing lasts forever. Gifting yourself peace of mind allows you to befriend what is, instead of what you think it should be because it’s much easier and wiser to focus on the present and count your blessings whenever you can. This is primarily achieved by mentally letting go of what disturbs you.

There’s no need to worry incessantly, for you can’t control the future, or what others think for that matter. Most of the time people are self-absorbed, going through their own things, not even aware of how their actions and reactions may have come across to you.

When you are in the moment, just do what you can do - sometimes that may mean doing nothing, and that is also okay.


In order for you to live a fulfilled and meaningful life, you have to live it yourself. So don’t wait until it’s too late. Find the courage and willpower to live a life true to yourself and your values, spend your time doing what counts for you.

If you are struggling, ask for help, read, meditate, pray and give yourself the chance you deserve — find the window of opportunity to start falling in love with life all over again. Be determined to live life on your own terms.


“Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.” ~Unknown

Most of us often have a hard time forgiving ourselves for our mistakes, when what we should really be doing is appreciating the lessons we’ve learned from our unwise choices.

It’s a gift to be able to recognise that you did your best with what you understood back then. You are not defined by your past. The fact that you are upset and holding yourself accountable shows that you care and that you have reflected and grown from your experience.

So, forgive yourself like you would with a friend or a love one. When you forgive and let go of the guilt and shame, you give yourself the power to change your story.


One of the best gifts you can give yourself is self awareness or the ability to recognise and understand your own emotions.

Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence — a very undervalued concept. It requires having an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, accepting what it is that you’re not good at and finding people or things such as books, podcasts and mentors that can help fill that void for you.

Once you are aware of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, you will be able to make changes and create the future that you desire

So, give yourself the permission to explore and really get to know who you are. Discover what you like and dislike. This will help you set your standards and boundaries, which are hopefully aligned with your values, so that you can create the life you want.

Along the way you might find that things change. And that’s okay. It’s natural. When it does, recognise this and be mindful in your daily actions as you adjust to the person you are becoming.

Consider this to be the starting point of your gift in becoming a greater success in your life.

You deserve it.



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