Why you should speak up — even when it’s difficult..
Speaking up is hard to do.
You see something ethically questionable. Notice someone not being included. Run up against offensive speech.
While we’d all like to think that if we saw something, we’d say something in these situations, we are strikingly bad at anticipating how we’ll feel in future circumstances and, for a whole host of reasons, it can be incredibly difficult to speak up in the moment.
But here are several good reasons why despite the risk, standing up and saying your piece is sometimes the best thing to do.
Silence is deemed approval.
You may think that staying silent keeps you from being involved in any conflict, but quite the opposite.
Silence is as much an active form of communication as talking. Anytime you are involved in a situation, people are aware of all the input and lack of it.
There are plenty of injustices out there –- take your pick of any number of items currently in the news — and perhaps it’s time to make our voice heard on some of them.
At a more personal level, it’s important from time to time that our friends, neighbours, and co-workers hear from us, even about small matter that are bothering us, something that doesn’t seem quite right, an issue that needs discussing etc. Hard conversations are a necessary part of life.
The greater good should be the priority.
I like to believe most people are good hearted by nature. And many stay silent because they don't want to do any harm by offending or criticizing someone.
But when a person or the team is headed down a dangerous path it's selfish to put your own need to be comfortable above the needs of the others.
No one else may know what you know…
You can't assume the obvious is obvious. Your experience and knowledge has value in a given situation. No one else has your unique perspective.
That doesn't mean that everything in your brain is worth communicating, but with a little discretion and thought, you should be able to bring value in most situations.
And your piece of the puzzle may be the most important piece. It’s crucial that we educate ourselves and educate others or encourage others to educate themselves as well.
Speaking up encourages others to speak up as well..
Sometimes, you might be the lone voice when you stand for the truth but other people who share your ideas, beliefs and feelings soon surround you. This people might be willing to make personal sacrifices for a greater good. You might never know how influential you are until you speak up against social ills.
When speaking your mind remember to be respectful and courteous. No one has to agree or like it, but your opinion is yours whether it is indifferent, good or bad.
Speaking up is hard to do, but the most difficult conversations are the most important. So, stand up for what you believe in, and be a voice for what’s important to you.
By doing so, you give permission to other people to also speak out, even if they are afraid.