Living An Authentic Life
We’re big believers in what we call ‘authentic living’. It’s a topic that really speaks volumes to us because it affects so much of our life either positively or negatively. We’ve learned this through experience, so we thought we would share a bit more of our journey in this authentic discovery.
For us authentic living means living a life that works for you as a person. It’s finding satisfaction, contentment and fulfilment in the present. It’s living on purpose and with purpose. And, perhaps more importantly, it is a life where we are useful to the people around us.
It’s a life filled with dreams, hard work and determination, but at it’s foundation is authenticity is both who we are and what is appropriate for us at any given point in life. Like a compass, it helps us to determine if we are spending our time and resources appropriately. It is living well within our means not only financially, but emotionally, physically and in other ways as well.
Learning to live authentically is and has been a lifelong process for us, as it is for most people.
Most of us are living in an age where it’s very easy to get disconnected. With the internet, social media and so many new ways of communication, we are being bombarded with so much information to the point of getting not only distracted but at times lost.
We are told every day, in many objective and subjective ways, that we must do more, achieve more and even be better than we are. This make us believe that the solution for our anxiety and unhappiness is to do more than we have done, achieve more than we have achieved, be better than we are.
Over time though, we’re learning that what was “authentic” while growing up in our parents’ house is different for what we think is authentic in our 20s or 30s. And often times in those early adulthood years, we don’t know what is authentic for us.
We might think we do, and some might even have a firm grasp on who they are, but for most of us, we are “just learning the ropes” of who we really are, separate from our parents. We are still trying out different hats, different paths and really learning who we are and what works for us.
And with each life change (careers, marriage, children, moving, empty nests), we are constantly having to adjust our ways of living life.
In the dynamism of life, a willingness to change is key.
There’s no denying that life is unpredictable and more often than not we’re forced to make a change we didn’t really prepare for or expect. We lose jobs, we lose people, we move to another country or we find ourselves in unfavourable circumstances that we weren’t taught how to handle.
These things force you to change something that you weren’t ready to change whether in your life or in yourself. And while authenticity is something we have always believed in, it has taken time, trial and error to really grab a hold of what it means to us and how we can live that out.
That is not to say we have it all figured out, we’re still learning and adjusting and very much still on the journey of discovery and growth.
Perceive change as an opportunity.
Living authentically can sometimes mean life is unpredictable. A person living authentically exists “moment by moment, striving to understand themselves, their motivation, coping mechanisms and conditions of worth, while being aware their responsibilities and choices”. They are in a constant pursuit of following their passion and being intimately connected to their natural abilities, strengths, and talents.
However, this unpredictability of life not only brings changes but also an uncertainty for opportunity. Everything that alters our way of life in any way, shape, or form is always accompanied by a chance to evolve.
We firmly believe that, sometimes a change of perspective and looking at the bigger picture is all it takes to establish a more active role in your life where you see change as an opportunity for growth and not the ground for unwanted stress.
You don’t need to look for authenticity. It’s already in you.
What is authenticity? In truth, it’s one of those things that we shouldn’t try to define. We lose the grasp with our authentic core once we start trying to define ourselves. Like life itself, we are in constant movement and transformation. Our dynamic nature cannot be put into words. We are a mystery which cannot be explained. The definition, the explication, the image we have of ourselves is what hypnotises us and disconnects us from our authentic core.
If you really want to find authenticity, you need to go outside of your thoughts. You need to go outside of that little box, that small and limiting hologram of yourself which you have created. You must feel yourself and taste your soul.
You are not only thoughts. You are emotions. You are instinct. You are a body. Thinking about your emotions, instinct and body only disconnects you from such an essential dimension of your being. Feel your emotions without resistance, trust your instinct and value your body. Then you can ground in your basic nature and flow with the life which exists within yourself.
Closing thoughts..
There is a feeling which is much more important than happiness, success, or any other sense of achievement in life. And that’s being unapologetically yourself.
But to be real, you must follow your passions while remaining tied intimately to who you are, reflecting your strengths and virtues. Being open to new opportunities and experiences, seeking new challenges and following your passions.